

In recent months there were some scam cases implicate Binamandiri to collaborate with overseas agent, by imposing as Binamandiri Branch Offices in Indonesia.

Due to the above matter, we would like to inform to the public that Binamandiri DOES NOT HAVE any branch office and/or individual anywhere else outside Malang City in Indonesia, who claim as Binamandiri’s representative who has the authority to collaborate with overseas agency, BESIDE the board of directors at Head Office in Malang, which can be seen in Binamandiri site. The correspondent address between Binamandiri and overseas agency ONLY using the address in Binamandiri’s Business License, Jalan Kartini No.19-A Malang-Indonesia 65111, Phone +62 (341) 323990, Fax +62 (341) 366566, account@binamandiri.com. All correspondent emails are using corporate email and not any commercial-free email such as Yahoo Email

Any contacts outside the above Correspondence Information are considered imposter. Binamandiri does not be responsible for any loss caused by misleading from Binamandiri’s imposter. All fraud cases will be reported to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration for further criminal prosecution. For any information please refers to our website

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Benua HITAM Potensi bagi TKI

Afrika, sering disebut juga sebagai Benua Hitam, dikarenakan mayoritas penduduk berkulit hitam (negro) atau mungkin juga dikarenakan diidentikan dengan Peperangan, Kesukuan, Wabah Penyakit, Kelaparan, Kemiskinan, Kekeringan dan hal-hal yang negatif lainnya.

Hal-hal negatif yang identik dengan Benua Hitam tersebut tidaklah selalu seperti nampak pada media massa, tidak terdapat diseluruh negara pada benua Afrika, ada beberapa negara Afrika yang merupakan POTENSI BESAR bagi Penempatan TKI.

Dibalik penduduk Afrika yang masyarakat umum memandang sebagai penduduk yang terbelakang, bersifat kesukuan, malas, adalah kesempatan bagi Indonesia untuk menempatkan TKI untuk mengisi kesempatan kerja yang ada.

Adalah Negara Seychelles di wilayah Afrika Utara dan tentunya Negara Afrika Selatan adalah 2 (dua) negara yang memiliki potensi besar bagi Penempatan TKI. Kedua negara tersebut memiliki GDP terbesar di Afrika, sekitar 10 kali GDP dari Indonesia.
Potensi ini bisa dikatakan lebih baik dari penempatan ke Malaysia atau ke Timur Tengah untuk sektor yang sama. Dengan biaya penempatan yang relatif sama dengan Malaysia atau Timur Tengah, TKI yang bekerja ke Afrika akan mendapatkan gaji 2 – 4 kali lebih besar daripada bekerja di Malaysia atau Timur Tengah. Sebagai gambaran, TKI bekerja di Malaysia untuk sektor konstruksi, hanya mendapat gaji pokok sekitar USD 200 belum dipotong Pajak, dan Makan, sedangkan Seychelles menawarkan Gaji minimal USD 375 dengan 3x makan dan tanpa potongan Pajak. Untuk Afrika Selatan bahkan bisa mencapai minimal USD 400 – 500 perbulan sedangkan biaya penempatan relatif sama dengan Malaysia maupun Timur Tengah yaitu sekitar USD 500.

Bagaimana dengan isu keamanan ? Suatu hal yang mungkin menjadi isu utama bila menyangkut penempatan ke Afrika, dimana konotasi masyarakat umum Benua Afrika sarat dengan konflik antar Suku dan Peperangan.
Seychelles dan Afrika Selatan adalah negara yang paling aman saat ini di Belahan Benua Afrika, terhindar dari perang dan konflik antar etnis. Hal tersebut juga telah dikonfirmasi oleh KBRI Nairobi – Kenya yang mengakreditasi Seychelles dan tentunya KBRI Afrika Selatan di Pretoria dan KJRI di Cape Town Afrika Selatan.

Bagi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Afrika bisa dijadikan batu loncatan yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan pengalaman, meningkatkan keahlian, dan tentunya penguasaan bahasa Inggris, agar dapat bekerja di belahan dunia lain dengan gaji yang lebih tinggi seperti Australia, Negara Eropa dan sebagainya.
Dengan persyaratan keahlian dan bahasa tidak setinggi negara-negara Barat, TKI dapat memenuhi kualifikasi untuk bekerja ke Afrika, selagi para TKI bekerja, mereka juga belajar terutama bahasa Inggris yang merupakan bahasa keseharian di Afrika. Sehingga pada akhir kontrak, TKI akan mendapatkan bekal :
1. Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris yang baik
2. Keahlian Kerja yang lebih baik dan spesifik
3. Referensi Kerja yang dapat di akui
Tiga hal tersebut tentunya tidak akan diperoleh bila bekerja di Indonesia, atau di Malaysia yang masih negara serumpun dengan Indonesia, ataupun negara Timur Tengah.
Dengan 3 bekal tersebut, TKI dapat memenuhi persyaratan untuk bekerja di negara-negara dengan standar pengupahan yang sangat tinggi seperti Australia dan Negara Barat lainnya

Adalah Binamandiri yang telah menangkap peluang penempatan tersebut, dan pada tanggal 17 November 2008, Binamandiri berhasil menjadi Pioneer Penempatan ke Seychelles untuk Indonesia dengan menempatkan 14 (empat belas) TKI untuk sektor Konstruksi. Dan pada Bulan Desember 2008, Binamandiri akan menandatangani Demand Letter untuk penempatan TKI ke Afrika Selatan, yang direncanakan penempatan perdana akan dilaksanakan pada awal Bulan Februari 2009. Penempatan TKI ke Seychelles adalah merupakan kesuksesan Pilot Project ke 2 pada tahun 2008 setelah kesuksesan Pilot Project untuk Indonesia untuk Penempatan ke New Zealand pada Medio bulan Juni 2008.

Saat ini permintaan akan TKI untuk Seychelles dan Afrika Selatan sangat luar biasa. Seychelles saat ini sedang dibangun 4 Hotel bintang 5 dengan investasi dari Qatar dan Uni Emirat Arab, sedangkan Afrika Selatan, akan menyongsong Piala Dunia 2010 dimana pembangunan infrastruktur untuk menyambut event dunia terbesar sedang berjalan dan membutuhkan banyak pekerja untuk mendukung proyek tersebut.

TUNGGU APALAGI !!! Bila anda memiliki keahlian, daftarkan CV anda ke PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja, yang saat ini merupakan satu-satunya PPTKIS yang memiliki Job Order untuk penempatan ke Afrika. Dapatkan informasi mengenai peluang kerja tersebut di HALAMAN INI.

Minister VS China Trust Bank

It just some matters that I experienced and heard from, the Truth ... only GOD and Minister know.

Early morning 20 Nov 2008 my colleague from other Manpower Company rang me. He gave distress call to informed me that his maids visa application were rejected by BP3TKI Jakarta, a government institution who authorized to legalize all documents requirements before it can be submitted to TETO (Taiwan Economic and Trade Office) for issuing visa.
I also check with the staff in Jakarta who process Binamandiri's Taiwan visa application, and I received the same information.

Everyone were very confused, no information, no announcement, suddenly REJECTED

Around mid October 2008, when Indonesia Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Mr. Erman Suparno, was having Lebaran thanksgiving ceremony at Hyatt Hotel - Surabaya, he was raising his voice when one of the participant was mention about China Trust Bank. “I already revoked China Trust Bank license to provide loan for maids”, Minister claimed, “So don't mention about that bank again !!”.
All participants were mumbling, so I heard.
After that, rumours started to raise. The news also spread out in Taiwan, and even worst, that China Trust Bank not operates in Indonesia any more.

Rumours said that China Trust Bank, made some agreement with both some Manpower companies in Taiwan and Indonesia, they can cancel the loan agreement once the maid arrives in Taiwan, so that she doesn't have to pay any interest, administration etc. The maid can directly pay for her placement fee to the Indonesia Manpower company through Taiwan Agency.
Because since the first placement on December 2004, Maid has to take loan from the banks which only appointed by Indonesia Department of Manpower and Transmigration before they can work in Taiwan. The maid has to bare total interest plus administration plus everything else for total 75% from the loan money for 12 months of instalment. This loan scheme is legalize by Depnakertrans RI. It seems the Depnakertrans more vicious than Loan Shark, I think Depnakertrans is the GURU of Loan Shark in Indonesia.
I think there isn't any problem or it doesn't do anything wrong for maid to pay directly without any interest. I think we should appreciate China Trust Bank so that the maid doesn't have to bare 75% ridiculous flat interest rate. Else Binamandiri never receives any black-white letter or regulation that maids have to go through loan scheme if she want to work in Taiwan, it just a consensus between the bureaucrats and Indonesia Manpower Agencies and Maids have to comply with those consensus.

Since the Lebaran Thanksgiving party, we just acted as usual, because we also never receive any formal announcement from the government if the minister actual revoke China Trust Bank.

It just so sudden, in Thursday Morning 20 November 2008, the BP3TKI Jakarta just rejected all visa application with China Trust Bank loan agreement. My staff also contacted China Trust Bank staff, and also confirmed the situation. So we just had to re-make the loan scheme with the other bank.

On my journey to Surabaya for Dinner Meeting with Australian Ambassador, Thursday afternoon – the same day, my friend rang me again, and informed that everything back to normal. I was very surprised so I asked him, what did happen ? Why did happen ? How did China Trust resolve it ?

The answer is NO ONE KNOWS …........
So it is just a joke ? In the morning the government just reject, and everything back normal in the afternoon. It is not computer system that can have glitch on the system, and we fix it in the afternoon. It is manual process where everything based on the instruction from the big boss, I assume from the minister because he makes all the policy.

If it is minister policy, why we didn't inform formally before ? Why we never been asked for discussion ?

GROW UP, SIR !!!, we doing business here, and business is not a joke, is a serious things. And we are business people who need certainty and transparency on the policy, not like SRIMULAT, which you organize. We are your partners that you need to get a long with. You just cannot switch off and switch on your policy whenever you like.
You have to make everything clear and transparent and well informed so that we can take precaution action, not just like some who has Heart Attack.

What happen if it is real happen!!! you just switch off everything. We will have to postpone all the maid process, start all over again, delay times and everything. Finally it will end up cancellation from employers because they think we are so stupid that we cannot make delivery on time. They don't think that minister can act as his own such as without any notice or process revoke someone license, cause it never happen in Taiwan but in Indonesia it is all different story. Eventually Indonesia will bare the bad name, that it is hard, difficult, costly for everything related to bureaucrats.

Well, like I said in the first sentence only GOD and Minister know what actually, because we never had any formal explanation since. But this incident just show how is your creditability as an Indonesia Minister.

Friday, November 21, 2008

IABC Dinner Meeting

IABC Dinner Meeting with HE Bill Farmer - Australia Ambassador
(From Left to Right : Kristiana P., Karnaka, Martin Newbery, HE Bill Farmer, Loekito Adi)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Maid Salary Increased Gradually in Singapore

It was Jawa Pos Headlines and Cover Story which I read yesterday 17 November 2008. It is a GOOD NEWS for Indonesia maids in Singapore, not only that, Indonesia Embassy will also involve significantly on the contract agreement between employer and maid, similar like in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The involvement of Embassy to make sure that Indonesia maid gets better treatment from employer.
Currently there are 80.000 Indonesia maids out from total 180.000 maids in Singapore, Filipino takes second place with 70.000 maids, while the rest share by Indian, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Srilanka. The average salary for Indonesia maids is range of SGD 320 - 350 or approximately USD 200.
Actually salary is not the big issue for Maids in Singapore, but the salary deduction is currently the biggest issue. Currently every maid who is working in Singapore has to bare 8 up to 9 months deduction which left them with only SGD 10 in their pocket. ONLY Rp. 70.000 and for 8 months !!!
The rest of the salary will go to her installment to Indonesia Manpower Agency and also the Singapore agency will ask for their services. So for 8 months in Singapore plus 3 months in Training Center, they can send any thing to her family back home, while their family hope, that the money could come as soon as posible so that they can support the family but mostly to pay their debt to loanshark where they loan money for them to go to Singapore!!!
It just big exploitation!!!
A female workers who wants to work overseas as a maid, normally they are free upfront, then they will be deducted from their salary for placement fee, so no need to bring money by force them self to take a loan. But Indonesia villager think differently, they have to take a loan from loanshark, so that the maid has pocketmoney and also to life in Training Center. So actually maids who work overseas, just working to cover their original loan from the loanshark while the maid itself has to pay the placement fee for the manpower company. It just like DEVIL RING.
Anyway Indonesia Maid in Hong Kong and Taiwan are have better chance rather than their fellowship in Singapore, where they still can earn minimal Rp. 200.000 up to a million rupiah after salary deduction which they can still send to their family home. Even in Malaysia, the deduction duration is only 6 months.
Singapore deduction is very RIDICULOUS!!!
This should be an effort from Indonesia Manpower Agency and Indonesia Embassy to stick together and try to find best solution. NOW, is quite hard to recruit maids for Singapore, and this should be good moment for Indonesia, with very good bargaining position, where the Demand from Singapore employer very high while the supply very low from Indonesia, we should be able to force Singapore Employer to pay at least half of the placement fee, so that Indonesia Maids can have better chance to send the money to their family as soon as possible.
We can if we want, I know the Embassy want to do that, but it is useless effort if not supported by All Indonesia Manpower Agencies. Well, I admit that among 400 legal manpower companies in Indonesia, only few have good and idealistic vision, while mostly they think only quantities and profit where they forget that the product we organize is Indonesia human being.
I just hope Indonesia Embassy in Singapore has very good solution, and what ever it is, Binamandiri will support 100%.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Accomodation Condition (South Africa)

Workshop Condition (South Africa)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lowongan Boilermaker di Afrika Selatan (2)

Dibutuhkan Tenaga 28 orang Boilermaker Heavy Fabrication untuk Penempatan ke Afrika Selatan dengan masa kontrak 2 (dua) Tahun.

"Boilermaker Heavy Fabrication adalah sebutan untuk Tukang yang telah mememiliki pengalaman atau pemagangan untuk mendapatkan ketrampilan dalam pabrikasi komponen besi mengunakan plat minimal tebal 25 mm umumnya untuk pembangunan, jembatan, Kilang Minyak lepas pantai, Struktur pembangkit listrik, Kapal Pengangkut Barang dll

dengan Kualifikasi :
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Umur : 25 - 45 tahun
Lokasi : Johannesburg - Afrika Selatan
Ketrampilan Lain :
Dapat membaca gambar kerja dalam bahasa Inggris
Gaji : SAR 46,5/jam (Garansi kerja 180 jam kerja, + 9,7 juta/bln) | SAR = South Africa Rand
Akomodasi : Disediakan
Makan : Disediakan
Biaya : 6,5 Juta

Sistem Pembayaran :
  • Tahap 1 : Rp 150.000 untuk Medical Check-Up (Non Refundable)
  • Tahap 2 : Rp. 3.000.000 setelah tandatangan Penawaran Kerja
  • Tahap 3 : Rp. 3.350.000 setelah visa dan tiket dicetak

Cara Proses :
  1. Pelajari terlebih dahulu semua informasi di Candidates
  2. Langsung mendaftar ke PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja dengan membawa CV dan Surat Referensi (bila ada)
  3. Akan dilakukan test bila diperlukan
  4. Dilakukan Medical Check-Up, Foto dan pemeriksaan persyaratan
  5. Bila FIT dan memenuhi syarat dilakukan pemasaran biodata kepada pihak agensi
  6. Bila terpilih akan dilakukan Penawaran Kerja dan dilanjutkan prosedur pembuatan dokumen penempatan
Batas Akhir : 31 Desember 2008

Lowongan Boilermaker di Afrika Selatan (1)

Dibutuhkan Tenaga 70 orang Boilermaker Structural Steel Fabrication untuk Penempatan ke Afrika Selatan dengan masa kontrak 2 (dua) Tahun.

"Boilermaker Structural Steel Fabrication adalah sebutan untuk Tukang yang telah mememiliki pengalaman atau pemagangan untuk mendapatkan ketrampilan dalam membuat, merakit, memotong, dan mengembangkan plat besi dan bagian dari struktur besi (untuk bangunan industri, pipa industri petrokimia) dan melakukan pekerjaan pembesian untuk struktur besi bangunan komersial seperti Mall dan Gedung bertingkat."

dengan Kualifikasi :
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Umur : 25 - 45 tahun
Lokasi : Johannesburg - Afrika Selatan
Ketrampilan Lain :
Dapat membaca gambar kerja dalam bahasa Inggris
Gaji : SAR 42,5/jam (Garansi kerja 180 jam kerja, + 9 juta/bln) | SAR = South Africa Rand
Akomodasi : Disediakan
Makan : Disediakan
Biaya : 6,5 Juta

Sistem Pembayaran :
  • Tahap 1 : Rp 150.000 untuk Medical Check-Up (Non Refundable)
  • Tahap 2 : Rp. 3.000.000 setelah tandatangan Penawaran Kerja
  • Tahap 3 : Rp. 3.350.000 setelah visa dan tiket dicetak

Cara Proses :
  1. Pelajari terlebih dahulu semua informasi di Candidates
  2. Langsung mendaftar ke PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja dengan membawa CV dan Surat Referensi (bila ada)
  3. Akan dilakukan test bila diperlukan
  4. Dilakukan Medical Check-Up, Foto dan pemeriksaan persyaratan
  5. Bila FIT dan memenuhi syarat dilakukan pemasaran biodata kepada pihak agensi
  6. Bila terpilih akan dilakukan Penawaran Kerja dan dilanjutkan prosedur pembuatan dokumen penempatan
Batas Akhir : 31 Desember 2008

Lowongan Tenaga Mekanik & Ketok Magic di Afrika (BARU)

Dibutuhkan Tenaga Mekanik untuk Penempatan ke Seychelles - Afrika dengan masa kontrak 2 (dua) Tahun :
1. 1 orang Supervisor Mekanik Diesel/Bus [detail]
2. 8 orang Ketog Magic [detail]
3. 15 orang Mekanik Bus [detail]
4. 2 orang Tukang Listrik merangkap Mekanik [detail]
5. 1 orang Teknisi Fuel Injection [detail]

dengan Kualifikasi :
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Umur : 21 - 45 tahun
Ketrampilan : Pengalaman dibidangnya minimal 1 tahun (kecuali Supervisor)
Lokasi : Mahe - Seychelles
Gaji :
USD 375 (kecuali Supervisor)
Akomodasi : Disediakan
Makan : Disediakan atau Diberikan uang Makan
Biaya : 6,5 Juta (kecuali Supervisor)

Sistem Pembayaran :

  • Tahap 1 : Rp 150.000 untuk Medical Check-Up (Non Refundable)
  • Tahap 2 : Rp. 3.000.000 setelah tandatangan Penawaran Kerja
  • Tahap 3 : Rp. 3.350.000 setelah visa dan tiket dicetak

Cara Proses :

  1. Pelajari terlebih dahulu semua informasi di Candidates
  2. Langsung mendaftar ke PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja dengan membawa CV dan Surat Referensi (bila ada)
  3. Akan dilakukan test bila diperlukan
  4. Dilakukan Medical Check-Up, Foto dan pemeriksaan persyaratan
  5. Bila FIT dan memenuhi syarat dilakukan pemasaran biodata kepada pihak agensi
  6. Bila terpilih akan dilakukan Penawaran Kerja dan dilanjutkan prosedur pembuatan dokumen penempatan
Batas Akhir : 31 Desember 2008

Khusus Supervisor, untuk gaji adalah negotiable, tergantung penawaran kandidat dan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun

Info Lebih Lanjut : africa.division@binamandiri.com

APJATI East Java General Assembly

On 14 September 2008, East Java Manpower Company Association (APJATI East Java) held General Assembly (GA) in Shangrila Hotel – Surabaya to inquiry management's financial and policy report and also elect new chairman of APJATI East Java.

PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja was came very late, as the General Assembly was informed only less than a week from the event and we already had appointment that we cannot cancel. The information we received from Secretary General of East Java APJATI, Mr. Benny, on October 2008, that the GA will be held early December 2008.

Anyway, The GA was attended by 90% of APJATI East Java Members from total 68 Companies. On the financial report which I read and also informed by my colleagues, just bent the brows. It was very simple only balance sheet account, and very far different with the previous management where gave full report include detail cash flows. Probably the chairman was Mr. Eddy Widagdo, who used to be accountant, know how to present simple report (hopefully not to hide any financial mis-management).

I don't know whether the financial report is good or disclaimer, because I am not accountant but from what I saw in the report, for only one and a half year, the management left cash money for only Rp. 120 million and the total assets approximately Rp. 2 billion which very contrast with the previous management where they booked cash money in the account for almost Rp. 1,8 billion exclude the other assets so nearly Rp. 3 billion. So only for 1,5 years, the management manage to spend 90% of what the previous management could save, and hopefully for the good of all member of associations.

Also from the report, the management lended a lot of money to third party institutions almost Rp. 1,2 billion. It seems APJATI already transfer into a bank. So from the money they collected from TKI and its member, they easily lent it to third parties without any acknowledgement or approval from its members, well at least PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja as the member never received any information about that. Surprisingly around Rp. 400 million was lent to Certification Institution and Rp. 800 million was lent to Department of Manpower East Java Province (Disnaker). Does East Java Government already bankrupt so that Disnaker has to lend money ? Or does the association have to bribe disnaker in some reason ? Because either way, it doesn't right for government to lend money from association without any real consent. Else why does Certificate Institution need to lend money also ? Does Certificate Institution need to be bribed also so that the TKI can easily pass the examination ? Rumour said the money is to establish new Certificate Institution … well what ever it is for, lending organization money to third parties is not very appropriate action or policy especially without any consent of its members. Organization is not a bank or cooperative !!

The GA was also to elect new chairman, there were 3 candidates who run for the Chairman, Mr. Eddy Widagdo, The incumbent, Mr. Mohammad Kurdi, Director of PT. Tritama Bina Karya and Mr. Mazlan Mansyur, Director of PT. Hikmah Surya Jaya. From the speech of all candidates, Mr. Kurdi gave very good and impresive speech, Mr. Mazlan Mansyur raised the issue of new and young generation while Mr. Eddy just read the speech of his previous vision and mission …. just so DULL. Well the result quite surprisingly, Mr. Eddy won with 38 votes while Mr. Kurdi only got 19 votes and no one choose Mr. Mazlan not even himself.

We were extremely stunned and surprised, Mr. Eddie got selected for the second time, for a chairman who we personally said cannot arrange the fund properly, and also currently he doesnt' actually run the company only lend his license to other people can be selected for the second time.

The GA was more like TV show where at the end of program you receive many door-price. After you vote for the chairman, the voter received instantly Rp. 1 million. Is it MONEY POLITIC ? (Who knows? Only GOD knows). It is quite strange, if the cash money left in the bank only Rp. 120 million, shouldn't they manage the money providently? For total instant money, APJATI need to expense 57 million, and then around 10 million more for the door-prize 32” LCD TV and 5 units of 19” LCD TV, not include the cost of accommodation and meeting room can be more than 20 million. Where that money came from ?......

Anyway, Thank you for the instant money and I also won Rp. 500.000 from Paladin Insurance.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Zealand Test Result (3)

1x Test TOEIC

Test Number
Dairy Skill
Language Skill
B 118
B 143
B 136
B 145
B 107

2x Test TOEIC

Test Number
Dairy Skill
Language Skill
B 187
B 167
B 149
B 109
B 114
B 180

Qualification Explanation :

GOOD - [eligible for further process for NZ Placement]
FAIR - [you still need improvement but eligible for further process for NZ Placement]
POOR -[Not Eligible for further Process, need more improvement, Suggestion : Take more dairy farm experience and try again after 3 (three) months from the last test ]
GOOD - [you are eligible to join English Course for NZ Placement ]
FAIR - [you Still need improvement but eligible to join English Course for NZ Placement]
POOR - [you are not Eligible to join the course, need more improvement, Suggestion : Need to improve your Basic English skill and try again to test with us after 1 (one) month from the last test]

NOTE. The test result does not GUARANTEE the applicant will work in New Zealand. It is simply reflecting your preliminary qualification. Your readiness and keenness on the Final Interview and Selection by New Zealand Employer will determine your acceptance to work in New Zealand.

For those who are qualified based on the test, we will inform you for further information about the English Course.

For those who still take the first test, we will inform you for the second test. Please be ready.

Oceania Division

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This Morning 12 November 2008, I received phone call from Regional Secretary of East Java Province Office (Sekdaprov) which inquiries about the monitoring report from Manpower Company in East Java including Binamandiri. I quite stunned that they actually ask about the report.

I personally received the letter from Sekdaprov about 3 weeks ago, just before I left for Workshop in Bali. The letter was requesting that Manpower Company should or maybe the correct term MUST send monitoring report not later than 10 November 2008 to Sekdaprov. There are two sheets of forms or tables as the template reports.
When I received and read the letter, I was stunned and surprised, because it is the first time Sekdaprov send any letter and suddenly they requested a report. I said to myself what happened with Regional Secretary ?

Do they just have nightmare and suddenly wake up in distress and some how just realize that every years East Java sends more than 50.000 legal workers and need monitoring ?

Do they just realize that East Java is the biggest market for Manpower Industry, and suddenly they need to get involve? Where they have been all this time ?!!!

Do they never coordinate with other institutions under their coordination ? which are Regional Manpower Department (Disnaker) and Regional Board of Placement and Protection East Java Province (BP2TKI) the ONLY BP2TKI Office under coordination of Province Government.

All manpower companies has the responsibility to give standard report to Disnaker and BP2TKI monthly and annually, and surely Sekdaprov can obtain any necessary data they need it.

I don't know what is the intention/purpose of the letter, because from my point of view it is lack of coordination because they only cc to City Mayors and not to other related institutions.

Honestly speaking the order to make report just gives Manpower companies an extra works and a big burden, because beside we have to give the list of all workers already place to overseas, we also have to provide biodata for each candidates based on their templates, well if I send a thousand workers this year only, then my staffs have to type a thousand time and re-arrange the data again. If it is only the list, won't waste so much our time, but making new biodata for workers already place.... COME ON!!!
The ridiculous part is the biodata template is very details that we have to put all the name and age of the worker's children and brothers and sisters include with their current occupation, something we never done before. Why we have to put the name of the worker's children ? Do the staffs of Sekdaprov going to have children and they don't have inspiration for good names ?

They think that running a manpower industry is an easy job and we have a lot of spare time like common bureacrates (come late, home early, drink coffe in the morning, read newspaper, corrupt bla … bla...) so they can always give any and many useless order to us.....


Please appreciate the works of BP2TKI and Disnaker of East Java

Monday, November 10, 2008

Binamandiri's Bank Correspondents

Bank Central Asia
Account Name : PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja
Branch Name : Panglima Sudirman - Malang
Account Number : 4393088888

Bank CIMB Niaga
Account Name : PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja
Branch Name : Basuki Rahmat - Malang
Account Number :

Bank China Trust Indonesia
Account Name : PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja
Branch Name : Surabaya
Account Number : 1013127703

Thursday, November 6, 2008

INFO : TETO new measurement

File 1 : New Measurement for Manpower Company

File 2 : New Measurement for Registered Staff

With many counterfeit documents found by Taiwan Economic and Trade Office (TETO) recently on visa application submitted by Indonesia Manpower Companies, TETO has applied new and strict measurement for the procedure.

All Indonesia manpower companies have to comply with the new measurement which mainly to make sure the originality of the requirements documents to apply visa. If they failed the penalty could reach Black List by CLA Taiwan and cannot send any workers to Taiwan.

It seems TETO also prepares for backup plan if the Indonesia manpower company claimed that they don't know about their staffs effort to process the visa, surely the company will give alibi to pass the measurement and put the escape goat on their staff. For staff who is accidentally make mistake on submitting the visa application, TETO will black list the staff, and the company should replace him/her with other staff.

With thus information, Please kindly to all applications who want to work in Taiwan, to MAKE SURE the originality of their documents, so that the visa process will not encounter any problems. Most important thing is the support of government especially regional government to give big assistance or ease any difficulty for the applicants who requests any necessary documents. It is a fact that people tend to avoid government or bureaucrats because they always make something easy become extremely difficult so that they can earn under-table money, that's why counterfeit documents are already public secret and commonly used.

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