

In recent months there were some scam cases implicate Binamandiri to collaborate with overseas agent, by imposing as Binamandiri Branch Offices in Indonesia.

Due to the above matter, we would like to inform to the public that Binamandiri DOES NOT HAVE any branch office and/or individual anywhere else outside Malang City in Indonesia, who claim as Binamandiri’s representative who has the authority to collaborate with overseas agency, BESIDE the board of directors at Head Office in Malang, which can be seen in Binamandiri site. The correspondent address between Binamandiri and overseas agency ONLY using the address in Binamandiri’s Business License, Jalan Kartini No.19-A Malang-Indonesia 65111, Phone +62 (341) 323990, Fax +62 (341) 366566, account@binamandiri.com. All correspondent emails are using corporate email and not any commercial-free email such as Yahoo Email

Any contacts outside the above Correspondence Information are considered imposter. Binamandiri does not be responsible for any loss caused by misleading from Binamandiri’s imposter. All fraud cases will be reported to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration for further criminal prosecution. For any information please refers to our website

Monday, April 27, 2009

Referral of Insurance and Donation from Friends and Indonesia Consulate in Hong Kong
 for the Late Tri Cahyanti Beneficiary

Indonesia Labor Attache visited Binamandiri

Ms. Sri Setiawati, Indonesia Labor Attache in Hong Kong, visited Binamandiri

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nakerwan is the New Kartini

Every 21st April Indonesia celebrates Kartini Day to commemorate Raden Ayu Kartini, a residence's wife who set up the milestone for emancipation and women empowerment. R.A. Kartini was a figure to encourage women to be treated equally with men especially in terms of education.

Nowadays, her legacy can be seen in Indonesia. Indonesian women now are as capable as men in all positions, even in certain cases some women can overcome men. Those women are the New Kartini.
Ones of the New Kartini are Indonesian Overseas Female Workers or we called them “Nakerwan”.
Currently there are approximately 4 million Nakerwan scattered all over the world to obtain Dollar in foreign countries. Those Nakerwan mostly are low educated and came from poor villages all over Indonesia. They sacrifice their life in Indonesia, leave their love ones, husband, parents, sons-daughters for one big purpose, to earn high salary in order to increase their welfare back in the village.

Does it worth for sacrificed ?
YES IT DOES, at least for Indonesia. 
Indonesia gain big economic advantage from those Nakerwan. According to Mr. Jumhur Hidayat, Head of National Board of Placement and Protection Indonesia Workers Overseas (BNP2TKI), The remittance from Nakerwan becomes Indonesia's number one income from Non-Oil Sector else for one year fiscal, the amount is enormous, it is three times from direct foreign investment to Indonesia. He gave an example that each year Madiun Regency enjoys 72 billion Rupiah from Nakerwan's Remittance while its domestic revenue is only 30 billion Rupiah, half of the remittance and it boost Madiun's economy and welfare.
President SBY on his speech towards Anticipation on Global Economic Crisis, put Nakerwan's remittance as the third pillar to make Indonesia survive from the crisis.
More than those above, each nakerwan works in overseas, can lift up 4 people from poverty and unemployment in the villages.
From Nakerwan side, she can support her husband and her family, pays for her children tuition, builds house and as capital for her for productive purposes. Men should be ashamed for those New Kartini who sacrificed her life to support him, if he just waste the money for useless things.

UNFORTUNATELY, Nakerwan, the Economic heroine, is treated almost the same as Raden Ayu Kartini, by Indonesia Government and some Indonesian societies, scorned. That's not all extortion and ripping off by government officials and crooks always surround Nakerwan. 
Not like Philippines both the people and government who gives big appreciation to its female workers overseas, Indonesian still looks down on Nakerwan.
Some high level societies think that Nakerwan is disgrace for Indonesia and marked Indonesia as Country of Domestic Helper Exporter. Well is true, and what's wrong, those Nakerwan is a legal worker and they place legally to overseas. That presumption mostly issued by society from Feudal Generation who think for themselves and never think to make an effort to lift up villager, more than that they should mirror themselves that Domestic Workers in overseas received clear work contract, equal treatment, high salary, and holiday compare with their treatment to domestic helpers.
Although in black and white, the Indonesia government, gives a big attention to Nakerwan, unfortunately hundred and eighty degree in practice. Nakerwan is the source of extortion and ripping off, and those actions 99% happened in Indonesia. Nakerwan has to pass at least 18 desks if they want to work legally and each desks will have legal and underdesk payment with absurd amount of money thus not exclude others extortion in Airport when they arrived back to Indonesia.
There is a banner in Airport “Welcome Home Economic heroine”, but from porter, police, immigration and other officers seems to be racing to extort money from Nakerwan who return to Indonesia, as if they are new naïve rich people and somehow the government seems hopeless to handle it. Many stories I heard from my colleagues and I experienced by myself how those public servant treat badly to our heroine.
It is not enough for the public servant and crooks to rip off the Nakerwan, the banking system also very less supported to Nakerwan. Although Banks enjoy trillions Rupiah from their remittance, unfortunately Nakerwan has to pay commercial interest for their loans and somehow along with administration, provision, transfer fee and other ridiculous fees, the interest can achieve up to 75% per year.
Binamandiri doesn't deny that most Indonesia manpower agencies are thinking for profit only rather than social responsibility. Thus creates poor treatment and many scams towards Nakerwan while they are in Training Center.

Many works have to be done if Indonesia wants to appreciate our New Kartini.

Hopefully with the current election can bring new government who gives more attention to Nakerwan in the future, uphold their rights and give big appreciation for their effort as Ambassador for Indonesia.

In this Kartini Day, Binamandiri salutes to Nakerwan all over the world, thank you for all your effort for Indonesia economy and welfare. You all are New Kartini.
The New Kartini at Indonesia Consulate in Hong Kong

Thank you.

This article is dedicated all Nakerwan to commemorate Kartini Day, 21st April 2009.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Maladewa atau lebih populer disebut Maldives dalam bahasa Inggris, adalah negara kepulauan yang terletak di Samudra Hindia, di sebelah utara pesisir Sri Lanka. Separuh dari pulau-pulau Maladewa adalah Atoll atau terumbu Karang. Maladewa memiliki kurang lebih 1922 pulau dan hanya 20 persennya dihuni.

Maladewa merupakan bekas jajahan Inggris dan termasuk negara persemakmuran Inggris. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah Dhevinet serupa dengan bahasa Arab, bahkan tulisannya pun berasal dari Tulisan Arab, akan tetapi bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa kedua di Maladewa dimana sistem pendidikannya pun mengacu pada sistem pendidikan di Inggris.
Total penduduk Maladewa adalah sekitar 300.000 (tiga ratus ribu orang) belum termasuk sekitar 50.000 (lima puluh ribu) orang tenaga kerja asing dari seluruh penjuru dunia, terutama berasal dari Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India. Maladewa adalah negara yang 100% muslim, dan keseluruhan sistem kenegaraan menganut sistem hukum Islam termasuk didalamnya adalah Libur pada Hari Jumat. Adalah menjadi ketentuan, tidak ada warga negara Maladewa yang non-muslim. Penduduk Maladewa merupakan etnis keturunan Bangladesh.

Male adalah ibukota Maladewa yang terletak dalam satu pulau sendiri dimana 70% penduduk Maladewa tinggal. Luas pulau Male sangat kecil hanya kurang lebih 3 kilometer persegi dan dapat dikelilingi dalam waktu 15 menit dengan mobil. Bangunan-bangunan di Male seperti perkampungan di Indonesia yang saling berhimpitan dan tanpa halaman, dengan jalan utama hanya selebar 4,5 – 6 meter. Di Male, terdapat semua kantor pemerintahan dan swasta.
Kesulitan terbesar di Male adalah untuk mengetahui lokasi rumah atau bangunan, dikarenakan Male menggunakan sistem nama bangunan daripada pernomeran, sehingga untuk bepergian harus menggunakan taxi dengan biaya + Rp. 18.000 jauh-dekat. Setiap bangunan memiliki nama yang unik untuk membedakan satu dengan yang lainnya.
Taxi dan transportasi darat lain hanya terdapat di pulau Male saja.
Airport Male terletak di Pulau Hulhule yang berseberangan dengan Pulau Male, dan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 15 menit dengan kapal penumpang yang setiap 10 menit beroperasi.

Perekonomian Maladewa tergantung sepenuhnya dari industri pariwisatanya. Pemerintah maladewa menyewakan dan memprivatisasi pulau-pulau atol yang dimiliki kepada perusahaan-perusahaan swasta untuk dikelola.
Maladewa saat ini memiliki sekitar 89 resort pada 89 pulau, 1 pulau untuk 1 resort, dan tahun 2009 direncanakan 9 resort baru akan dibuka dan hingga tahun 2015 terdapat total 43 resort baru yang selesai dibangun dengan kapasitas 8000 kamar.
Resort-resort tersebut terletak menyebar di samudra Hindia dan terisolasi dari keramaian. Resort hanya dapat dicapai dengan pesawat komuter kecil atau speed boat. Resort bersifat kawasan pribadi yang hanya dengan reservasi dapat mengunjungi resort tersebut. Tidak seperti Male, yang penuh dengan orang dan keramaian, resort sangat terisolasi, sehingga pegawai yang bekerja di resort diberikan fasilitas lengkap oleh pengelola, dan dapat menggunakan semua fasilitas hotel atau resort yang ada.
Rata-rata gaji terendah yang diterima adalah berkisar antara USD 200 – USD 250, memang tidak besar, tetapi mereka akan menerima Service Charge Bonus yang merupakan 10% dari pendapatan perusahaan dibagi secara proposional kepada seluruh pegawai dan rata-rata mencapai USD 500/bulannya.
Adalah peraturan di Maladewa, bahwa setiap pekerja asing akan mendapatkan fasilitas penuh yaitu 3 kali makan dan akomodasi, sehingga pekerja asing menerima gaji bersih.

Biaya hidup di Maladewa tergolong mahal, dikarenakan semua bahan makanan adalah import dan air minum merupakan penyulingan dari air laut. Rata-rata sehari berkisar Rp. 150.000 untuk kebutuhan makanan.

Maladewa sangat membutuhkan banyak pekerja asing untuk membangun dan menjalankan resort dikarenakan penduduknya yang sangat sedikit yang tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan akan tenaga kerja dari seluruh resort. Untuk setiap resort diperkirakan mempekerjakan rata-rata 300 orang dan untuk pembangunannya sedikitnya 500 orang per-resort dibutuhkan. Penduduk Maladewa bisa dikategorikan masih tergantung pada orang tua sehingga keinginan bekerja sangat minim. Dikarenakan hal tersebut, pemerintah Maladewa memberikan kuota maksimal 50% dari total pekerja dapat di datangkan dari luar negeri.

Maladewa adala peluang bagi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia terutama disektor perhotelan untuk mendapatkan gaji tinggi dan pengalaman kerja yang luar biasa.

Dalam bahasa Dhiveni, “Dhivehi raaje yah maruhabaa" Selamat Datang di Maladewa

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shangri-La Villingis Helping Its Sister Hotels

It was Shangri-La Villingis the main purpose to visit Maldives in 1 – 9 April 2009, as Binamandiri received demand to supply Hotel Staff on 20 January 2009 for its Human Resource Manager.

Unfortunately, it was different story when Binamandiri met with Human Resource Manager in Male – Maldives. Shangri-La Villingis is the largest investment ever made by Shangri-La Group and ever built in Maldives. It is consist of 143 Villas, 328 Hotel Staff for Pre-Op and occupied 3 kilometre square of Atoll Island of Villingis. He said that Shangri-La Villingis will not be effected by Global Crisis, as big investment already been made, no postponing project, so the show must go on which will be pre opened on July 2009. 
BUT, he said, although Shangri-La Villingis will not be effected, The head office of Shangri-La and Shangri-La Hotels all around the world were hit quite bad by economy tsunami. Some Shangri-La hotels chains in some part of the world have to lay off some of their hotel staff.
For that reason and also because based on Maldivian Law, Shangri-La Villingis can hire up to 50% from total employee from overseas, Shangri-La Villingis has to accommodate hotel staff from its sister hotels who being laid off.
The recruitment which has been held by Shangri-La Villingis in Maldives, India and Indonesia which through Binamandiri, has to be postponed until Shangri-La Villingis fully operate in September 2009 where it will add 200 more workers to complete 328 workers that already recruited for Pre-Op.

Hopefully the economy tsunami will not devastate Maldives like the actual tsunami happened in December 2004.

Friday, April 17, 2009

AANZ FTA = Loses for Indonesia

1 March 2009, Indonesia inked ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZ-FTA) in Bangkok – Thailand, together with all members of ASEAN and Australia New Zealand counterpart. Binamandiri felt surprised that Indonesia willing to ink the FTA, as many aspects has not yet completely agreed.

AANZ FTA had been in discussion since last year among Ministers of Trade on those countries. The idea of AANZ FTA is to increase trades among countries by lowering the import tax for specific items, for Indonesia is to receive beef and milk from New Zealand while Indonesia can export its textile product. But that's not all, some countries like Indonesia wanted similar clause such FTA between China and New Zealand which inked directly by Helen Clark and Hu Jin Tao, where FTA with China included a ‘temporary employment entry’ clause. This was part of the agreement and specified 200 Chinese doctors, 200 Chinese chefs, 150 Mandarin teaching aides, 150 martial arts coaches and 100 tour guides. In addition a maximum of 1,000 ‘skilled Chinese workers’ were to be granted temporary employment for up to three years. It was a good FTA for Chinese.

Indonesia wanted similar deal in the FTA unfortunately New Zealand was not ready to repeat the China deal, because recession was looming and the migrant job issue was becoming sensitive in New Zealand. It was in Indonesia New headlines last November 2008 saying the New Zealand work offer was ‘peanuts’. A list of jobs was published. This included 100 semi-skilled nurses, 100 oil and gas welders, 20 language teaching assistants and 20 halal butchers. The work visas would be for three years and expanded annually. Unfortunately, said in the paper, it was rejected by New Zealand side.

Binamandiri as one of Indonesia Manpower Company who engages with New Zealand market, taking big concern for the AANZ-FTA, and seeking further information, hoping that FTA coulde be successly inked by both parties.
Binamandiri talked with lead negotiator in New Zealand side, Ms. Vangelis Vitalis, who had been very kind and pleasant to brief about the FTA and she claimed that New Zealand never offered any job positions to Indonesia negotiator and probably it was just a wishlist. She suggested that Binamandiri should talk Mr. Guntur Witcaksono who is lead negotiator for Indonesia side.
Last January 2009, Binamandiri had a chance to talk with Mr. Guntur Witcaksono, Head of International Cooperation in Department of Manpower and Transmigration. He explained comprehensively, that the job lists came from Presiden SBY when Helen Clark visited him. The offer then became wish list by Indonesia Ministry Trade office and put on Labor Agreement official proposed by Indonesia Government, and it was his job to make sure the Labor Agreement agreed by New Zealand negotiator.
Unfortunately it was deadlock between Mr. Guntur Witjaksono and NZIS (New Zealand Immigration Services), which from Mr. Guntur information, NZIS cannot approve and secure any job positions for Indonesia, and it is domain policy of NZ-DOL (Department of Labor). 
It was quite strange for such information given by New Zealand side, as NZIS is part of NZ-DOL.
Mr. Guntur said that Labor aggreement offered by New Zealand delegation was normatif agreement to ratify ILO ordinance which emphasize no child labor. Although Indonesia already ratifies ILO Ordinance, he afraid the agreement can be used to counter FTA Agreement when Indonesia exports its textile as there are still many child labor in Indonesia although not officially work.
On his last statement, The master FTA cannot be signed unless the labor aggrement is inked first.

Unfortunately it was different story on 1st March 2009, the FTA was inked by all participant countries, and only Indonesia-New Zealand Labor agreement was excluded. 
Thailand, Vietnam and Philipines inked the labor agreement as proposed by New Zealand, and their people now can enjoy Working Holiday Visa Scheme for 100 people each year. The requirements for Working Holiday Visa is very simple, aged 25-35, University graduate, and has 50 million rupiah on their account. They can work for a year in New Zealand in all field of jobs. Special for Vietnam and Phillipines, they gained some ‘temporary employment entry’ positions – though far fewer than the China FTA.

Indonesia gets NOTHING in terms of Employments, No Working Holiday Visa and especially No Temporary Employment Entry.

Binamandiri spoke with Steve Jones, Head of Visa Officer New Zealand embassy in Jakarta on 3rd of March 2009 after the FTA. He explained that Indonesia Labor Agreement was actually had to be signed prior to Master FTA, but it was about politic.
New Zealand is prepared to talk about this issue as something outside the FTA though only if the Indonesia initiates discussions and no limit of time for the discussion. The Indonesia Embassy thinks there’s an New Zealand team in Jakarta doing this right now - MFAT (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade) says that’s not so.

Well, It is election year now in Indonesia, so it is unlikely Indonesia will open the talk with New Zealand about the Labor Agreement. 
Once again, we lost our opportunity for employment, while other countries gained it and New Zealand received big advantage on low import tax.

SPA Therapist a Booming Market

Although Global Economy Crisis causes huge negative impact, it is also create opportunity for work such SPA Therapist. Many people in advance countries such USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc are stress facing the biggest recession ever, most of them want to escape by relaxing themselves.
In recent news, there is increasing number of people visiting Comedy Clubs in UK and USA, where people just want to avoid any stress caused by recession, similar situation happens in SPA establishment.

On Binamandiri's visit to Maldives, most of the demands are for SPA Therapists and SPA Managers. The increase of Tourist coming to Maldives to get SPA Treatment has been very high recently. Beside Maldives, Binamandiri also received similar demand from Hungary, Malaysia, Turkey, Slovakia and Morocco. 
It just recently after Indonesia won as the best SPA destination on Berlin Tourism Exhibition on 17 March 2009, that demand of Indonesian SPA Therapists has been increased.
SPA therapist is a very attractive position, in average SPA therapist can earn from USD 500 – USD 1000 net salary.

What is the challenge ?
In SPA therapist, Indonesia has only one competitor, Thailand, it is good opportunity, not like housemaid where Indonesia has also to compete with Filipino, Vietnam, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Thailand.
The challenge is, not like Thailand, SPA Therapist is not so popular position in Indonesia, probably Bali is exception. Indonesian society still thinks that SPA Therapist is disguise position of prostitute, the same idea for sending Domestic Helper to overseas, is a despicable job, they says. 
Well, those statement are entirely bad judgement. We are sending professional Domestic Helper and professional SPA Therapist, with better welfare and salary compare for the same position she does in Indonesia.
Beside the biggest challenge to turn image and culture of Indonesian society, the other challenge is there are very few SPA Therapist Schools to accommodate both domestic and overseas demand.
Binamandiri talked with Soul of Java, a respective SPA Establishment in Jakarta, about the situation, and they also concurred those statements above.
To accommodate the both demands, domestically and overseas, Binamandiri sister's Foundation, Binakarya Mandirimulia Foundation, incorporate with Soul of Java will establish SPA Therapist Course designated for unemployed Indonesia female teenager by the end of May 2009 in Malang which also part of the Ministry of National Education programs in profession course.
SPA Course is a must for the candidate as one of the requirements to obtain work visa is Diploma on SPA Training/Education from respective institution. Most of SPA Course is only taking 150 hours – 300 hours course or around 3 months.
Some demands require experienced SPA Therapists, but according to Soul of Java, actually candidates with fresh training are better, because the training will be designated to type of SPA massage and material requested by SPA Owner. Every SPA has its own unique massage and such as Java Style, Bali Style, Hot Stone, Shiatsu and many others, and the material also unique, oil based, cream based, natural based that's why understanding the concept of SPA is critical to provide appropriate SPA Therapists.
It is better for the owner to try first the massage skill prior to select the candidates.

The demands are ready, Binamandiri invites candidates with SPA Therapist experience to send the CV for better work and salary to overseas, we also invite any Institution related to SPA establishment and Indonesia Manpower Companies to grab the very good opportunity in Placement of Indonesia Workers.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Maldives : Potential Market for Indonesian Workers

Recently in 1st – 9th April 2009, Binamandiri visited Maldives and Sri Lanka, to respond demand of Indonesian workers from Shangri La Villingi, the largest resort in Maldives and Shangri-La Hotel Chain, and some prospective Maldivian Agencies.

It is part of Binamandiri’s standard procedure to assess work placement, economy-social aspect of Destination Country and most important thing is credibility of Maldivian employers and/or agencies. The same things that Binamandiri had conducted in Seychelles – Africa, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.

Maldives is an island Moslem country located north of Sri Lanka coast, with approximately 1192 islets scatter across Indian Ocean. The biggest economy income comes from Tourism Industry and followed by Fishery. Total Maldives population is approximately only 300.000 people excluding 50.000 expatriate workers, and mostly comes from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India. Most of the population is concentrate in Capital City in Male Island, a small island that only takes 15 minutes by car to circle it around. According to H.E. Djafar Hussein, Indonesia Ambassador for Sri Lanka and accredited to Maldives, there are around 500 to 700 Indonesian working in Maldives in various sector, Shipping-Fisheries, Airlines, Construction, and the biggest positions is in Hospitality Industry.

Although the world is facing Economy tsunami, it seems Maldives doesn’t get big impact from it, not like the physical tsunami which devastated Maldives and of course Indonesia in December 2004, at least that was told by Mr. Endang Sugiharto, from Indonesia Workers Association in Male-Maldives, who currently work as Mechanic at Maldivian Air. Everyday at least 700 tourists are served by Maldivian Air to various Resorts from Male International Aiport, almost same amount before the crisis hit the world economy. Even the highest ever was 1200 people in one day were transported somewhere on February 2009. Now with the low oil price and many Low Coast Carrier Airlines from Europe schedule direct flight to Male, keep the tourism industry stabilize from recession. The statement also concurred by many Manpower agencies whom Binamandiri met with.

Maldives currently has high demands for foreign workers especially for Hospitality Industry. This year only, Maldives will open 9 (nine) new resorts and until 2015, approximately 43 resorts and hotel will be opened. Each resort approximately requires 300 workers from all level. Thus exclude workers for construction workers to build the resorts which mostly will require 300 to 500 workers for the projects.

Maldives Government realizes that its population isn’t enough to fill the gap of demand for the resorts, that is why employer such resorts can bring foreign workers up to 50% of total employee. Although such measure already implemented by Maldives Government and the work age is started at 15-16 years old compare with Indonesia which started at 18 years old, with only around 100 thousand work forces, Maldivian cannot fill 50% of the demand.

The young age to work also gives big effect for the increasing of turn over staffs for Maldivian. They are not mature enough to work, many of them just want to have fun and rely on their parents economically and not yet ready to work with schedule.

Beside workers for tourism industry as explained above, huge demand also comes from Construction Sector to build the resorts and also in Health Sector. Binamandiri received Demand from Maldives Ministry of Health to supply Doctors and Nurses with very attractive salary and facilities.

At least 10.000 foreign workers are required to fill in the gap this year only and about 70.000 foreign workers will be needed until 2015 to run all the resorts, that if 43 new resorts are established. Most of the workers come from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, China, Indonesia and Philippines respectively. The order is sorted from the lowest salary given by employer, and also the largest number of people. It is obvious that the lower the salary, the more people can be hired to work as less money given by employer. But in terms of skill and attitude, Indonesia and Filipino are the best ones compare with Bangladesh and India. The information was also given by Mr. Yasir, Indonesia workers whom Binamandiri met in Bandarnaike Airport – Sri Lanka. Mr. Yasir with 9 of his colleague were Trades Workers (Tukang) who on the way home after successfully finished their term of contract at Shangri-La Villingi Maldives.
Mr. Yasir said, 10 Bangladesh workers were assigned to build Restaurant but after 3 months the foundation didn’t even finish while he and his men were assigned to build 20 bungalows with 35 meter height and 80 meter square wide which can be completed as schedule, 1 bungalow in a month time. Thus gave big appreciation from the construction company who hired Mr. Yasir and his men.

Beside vast job opportunity, Maldives also gives interesting and competitive salary towards foreign workers. For waiters and waitresses, the lowest position in Hotel Industry, although the basic salary is only around USD 200, a worker can earn from USD 650 until USD 1000 per month includes service charge and tips. All workers will receive Net Salary, as 3 day meals and lodging must be provided by employers according to Maldivian labor law. Mr Yasir who worked as Carpenter, earned around USD 500 Net Salary. For Doctors and Nurses, the salary also very attractive else the requirements is not very high such in other countries. For fresh graduate nurse, can earn USD 500 while Specialist doctor with 2 years clinical experience, can earn up to USD 2000 with full furnished apartment

Bits and Pieces also occurs in Maldives, Mr. John Admiral, Consular Function of Indonesia Embassy in Sri Lanka accredited to Maldives, informed Binamandiri that some labor cases involved Indonesian occurs in Maldives, mostly unpaid salary and ignorance Maldivian agencies and also related to drug problems, added by H.E. Djafar Hussein.
The recent matter in Maldives, 4 Balinese carpenters were felt home sick as they never expected the work situation in Maldives. The broker or “Calo” who brought them in, was hit-and-run type of person, and just wanted to gain for his personal benefit only. The employer refused to pay their return ticket as they only worked for 2 months, certainly they didn't have money. Luckily, embassy managed to contact the “Calo” and asked him to provide return ticket. There should be more labor problems actually than it was reported, because none of the workers or the sender ever make any report of their arrival and departure, so that make embassy has difficulty to track down and collect the data of Indonesian in Maldives.

It is advised by H.E. Djafar Hussein that Indonesian agency should assess the agency credibility very carefully and also the work placement in Maldives such what has been done by Binamandiri. Ambassador gave big appreciation to Binamandiri for coordinating with Indonesia Embassy.
Binamandiri more than agrees with Ambassador statement. Currently in Maldives, for total population of 300.000 people, there are 370 Licensed Manpower Agencies compare with Indonesia who has around 600 Manpower Agencies in 230 million population. Almost 90% of Maldives manpower agencies are crook and no-ethical business conduct as it was told by Mr. Yasir. Many of the manpower agencies tends to rip off the foreign workers especially from Bangladesh and they mostly neglect the responsibility as mediator between employer and employee.
Binamandiri previously also received offered from at least 5 Maldives Manpower agencies, but when Binamandiri checked the location of the manpower agency's office, it was just like street hawker.
It is advice for Indonesia Manpower Agency to double check the credibility of Maldives Manpower Agency before conducting any further process of placement, and for Applicants, it is advised to use Indonesia Manpower Agencies when dealing with Maldives Manpower Agency. The process will be a bit higher in cost, but certainly it is more safe.

Maldives is 100% Moslem Country and it is advantage for Indonesia which 70% Moslem, to send more workers to Maldives compare with Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka who are mostly Buddhist and Hindu. We have big bargain position in terms of Moslem population, good skill, and better attitude. The only problems for Indonesian is long distance and no direct flight from Indonesia to Male, that's make the guarantee money to Maldives Government very high. It is mandatory for agency or employer to submit deposit money of 1 return ticket price before the Maldives government can issue work visa, and because the deposit money already so high, the agency or employer doesn't want to pay the airfare for the applicants to go to Maldives thus will be bare by the applicants. Unfortunately, the Indonesia banking system is not big supporter for Indonesia workers overseas although they enjoy their remittance which almost three times direct foreign investment to Indonesia, so the applicants can't bear for the process and air fare ticket.
If only the government related to Manpower placement, can directly persuade Maldives Labour and Youth Minister to lower the deposit money and Indonesia Government will give full guarantee for any deportation, just like Philippines does, certainly Maldivians will be more than happy to accept their fellow Moslems to work in Maldives ….

Like Maldivians said in their language “Dhivehi raaje yah maruhabaa” … WELCOME TO MALDIVES

Saturday, April 4, 2009

International Business Meeting of Indonesia Workers Overseas

Once again National Board of Placement and Protection Indonesia Workers Overseas (BNP2TKI) held International Business Meeting from 30 – 31 March 2009 located in Hotel Jayakarta Bali. It was the third times BNP2TKI organized such meeting in order to promote Indonesia Workers to overseas users and to encourage both Indonesia and Overseas Agencies to cooperate. The Business Meeting itself held on 30 March, and continues with visit to various training institutions located in Bali on 31 March.

It was very attractive on the proposal and information about the Business Meeting published in BNP2TKI website previously as it will invite diplomats, officials, and prospective agencies related to Manpower Placement from Canada, USA, Jordan and Brunei Darussalam that made Binamandiri become the first Manpower Agency who applied for participant. Actually when Binamandiri applied, there was doubt that there will be rejection from BNP2TKI. In previous Business Meetings, BNP2TKI officially invited all Indonesia Manpower Agencies to attend the Business Meeting, but on this Business Meeting the target of Participants which stated on the proposal were only for Government Institutions related to Manpower Placements and Vocational Training Institutions. The committee, Ms. Evie, also confirmed that it is only for Government officials but Indonesia Manpower Agencies are welcome to attend the business meeting. The purpose for the third Business Meeting, as informed by Ms. Evie, was to encourage G to P program. It seemed BNP2TKI aggressively transfer itself into State Company to compete with Indonesia Manpower Agencies rather than being Referee or Facilitator in Manpower Business.
On his opening speech, Mr. Jumhur Hidayat, Head of BNP2TKI denied the allegation that BNP2TKI will take over Manpower Placement business by showing that some Indonesia Manpower Agencies attending the Business Meeting, unfortunately it was not more than 10 Indonesia Manpower Agencies were attending the business meeting, and either they located in Bali nor they looked the information in website.
Binamandiri recently just came back from Canada, so it will be good opportunity to share information and establish network, regardless whether it was for G to P program.

Disappointment occurred when the Business Meeting started. There weren’t any diplomats from all embassies or Foreign Affair Department. On the two previous business meeting, Diplomats from Embassies of Indonesia and Destination country were attending and supportive, so that the participants could get clear information about the real situation to place workers. Rumors said that all diplomats and officials from Foreign Affairs Department suddenly were recalled to attend urgent meeting in Jakarta. So basically, it just BNP2TKI official involved in the Business Meeting.

The first session started with Canada Session with keynote speaker Mr. Loay AlGhoul from AlGhoul Immigration Agency located in Manitoba – Winnipeg. Mr. AlGhoul described information about opportunity to place workers to Canada regardless the global recession that already increased unemployment rate in Canada up to 8% or 3% increased since last year. Mr. AlGhoul was still optimist that currently demands of workers still available from Canadian Employers due to shortage of workforce in Canada.

The second session was started after lunch for Jordan Session. The second session was very short because the three participants from Jordan explained on their opening sentence that they were felt fatigue after long journey from Jordan, well I can’t imagine how fatigue Mr. Alghoul after more than 24 hours trip from Toronto to Denpasar compare with 12 hours flight from Jordan, but still can have long discussion with the participants.
Binamandiri only attend half of Jordan Session, and attending Special Business Meeting in separate room with Mr. AlGhoul and all Indonesia Manpower Agencies.

The third session was USA Session. With all due respect, it was unprofessional arrangement of BNP2TKI by putting InQai International as keynote speaker. Not like two previous keynote speakers where they are native people so they understood all information about employment and immigration in destination countries, InQai International is only such representative agent who has cooperation with USA Company for Cruise Ship. No different with Indonesia Manpower Agencies attended the Business Meeting. Beside that, although InQai International is sending workers to overseas, unfortunately it doesn’t has any legal license as Indonesia Manpower Agency which stated in Ordinance 39/2004 and yet he lectured the participants about placement to USA, ridiculous. It just like a burglar gives speech about ethic to the police. I don’t think that Indonesia Embassy in USA will propose InQai International as keynote speaker, at it never been registered in Indonesia Embassy in USA. Actually BNP2TKI should prosecute InQai International for illegal placement.

The disappointments not yet finished, after USA Session it should be continued with Brunei Darussalam session as stated in the invitation/proposal and also seminar kit, but suddenly the MC announced that the Business Meeting was over and requested Deputy of Promotion and Overseas Cooperation, Mr. Ramli Saud, to close the business meeting. The participants look each others confused, but no explanation were given about Brunei Darussalam Session.

The business meeting was closed with Gala Dinner at pool side restaurant, with dances and singing. Only half of tables were filled and three forth were only filled with BNP2TKI officials and staffs.
Personally it was the worst arrangement of Business Meeting compare with previous Business Meetings.

Aside from bits and pieces, Binamandiri gives big appreciation on BNP2TKI effort to promote Indonesia workers to Overseas user especially in this time of World Crisis. Hopefully next Business Meeting can be more coordinated with other departments especially with Indonesia Embassies, Foreign Embassies and Foreign Affair Department so that comprehensive and clear information can be given.

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