

In recent months there were some scam cases implicate Binamandiri to collaborate with overseas agent, by imposing as Binamandiri Branch Offices in Indonesia.

Due to the above matter, we would like to inform to the public that Binamandiri DOES NOT HAVE any branch office and/or individual anywhere else outside Malang City in Indonesia, who claim as Binamandiri’s representative who has the authority to collaborate with overseas agency, BESIDE the board of directors at Head Office in Malang, which can be seen in Binamandiri site. The correspondent address between Binamandiri and overseas agency ONLY using the address in Binamandiri’s Business License, Jalan Kartini No.19-A Malang-Indonesia 65111, Phone +62 (341) 323990, Fax +62 (341) 366566, account@binamandiri.com. All correspondent emails are using corporate email and not any commercial-free email such as Yahoo Email

Any contacts outside the above Correspondence Information are considered imposter. Binamandiri does not be responsible for any loss caused by misleading from Binamandiri’s imposter. All fraud cases will be reported to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration for further criminal prosecution. For any information please refers to our website

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Prosedur dan Persyaratan Bekerja ke SINGAPURA (Informal)

CTKI langsung mendaftar ke PT Binamandiri Muliaraharja, saat ini permintaan CTKI ke Singapura sangat tinggi.

Persyaratan Umum:
1.Khusus Wanita
2.Usia minimal 23 tahun
3.Sehat jasmani dan rohani
4.Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan di BLKLN
5.Bersedia bekerja di Singapura dengan kontrak 2 tahun

Persyaratan Dokumen :
1.KTP (Asli)
2.Kartu Keluarga (Asli)
3.Buku Nikah / Surat Keterangan Status (Asli)
4.Akte Kelahiran (Asli)
5.Ijasah (Asli)
6.Surat Ijin Keluarga, bermeterai diketahui Kepala Desa Setempat
7.Paspor Lama (Khusus Ex-TKI)

Tahapan Proses




CTKI langsung mendaftar ke Kantor Binamandiri dengan membawa semua persyaratan dokumen tersebut diatas

1 hari

Pemeriksaan Kesehatan

Dilakukan pada Medical Center yang ditunjuk oleh Binamandiri, dengan ketentuan sbb :

  • bila CTKI mendaftar sebelum jam 12, pemeriksaan kesehatan akan dilakukan pada hari yang sama, dan hasilnya dapat diketahui keesokan hari.

  • Untuk CTKI yang menempuh perjalanan lebih dari 6 jam, disarankan untuk beristirahat 1x24 jam sebelum dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan

1 hari


Bilamana dinyatakan sehat dan memenuhi persyaratan umum dan dokumen, CTKI mulai mengikuti pelatihan dan tinggal di BLKLN.

Pelatihan dilaksanakan paralel dengan seluruh tahapan proses hingga berangkat

Min.2 bulan

Pendaftaran CTKI di Disnaker

Dilakukan bila CTKI telah melengkapi semua dokumen yang dipersyaratkan (lihat Persyaratan Dokument)

7 hari kerja

Pemasaran Biodata

Setelah semua dokumen lengkap, Biodata dipasarkan ke Agensi di Singapura

(tanpa batas waktu hingga mendapatkan majikan)


Pembuatan Paspor Bilamana ijin Disnaker telah dikeluarkan, CTKI dapat dibuatkan paspor TKI. 10 hari kerja
Ujian Ketrampilan - Kompetensi Setelah dirasakan cukup mampu mengikuti ujian dan telah memiliki paspor 1 hari
Pengurusan Visa

Dilakukan oleh pihak Majikan dan Agency di Singapura setelah Paspor jadi dan telah memiliki majikan. PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja mengirimkan :

  1. Copy Paspor

  2. Copy Ijasah


1 Minggu

PKL Praktek Kerja Lapangan, dilaksanakan setelah lulus Uji Kompetensi dan disesuaikan dengan Job Description 2 – 4 minggu
PAP Pembekalan Akhir Pemberangkatan (PAP) 1 hari
Pengurusan BFLN Bebas Fiskal Luar Negeri (BFLN) diproses setelah Visa kerja dan Kontrak di terima dari Agensi/Majikan Singapura 3 hari
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Akhir Dilakukan 3 – 7 hari sebelum Pemberangkatan 1 hari
Pemberangkatan Bila dinyatakan FIT untuk bekerja

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Indonesia Government Institutions

Department of Manpower and Transmigration (Depnakertrans RI)

Department of Foreign Affair (Deplu RI)

National Board of Protection and Placement Indonesia Workers Oversea (BNP2TKI)

National Board of Profession Certification (BNSP)

Directorate General of Immigration

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who We Are, What We Do, Vision, Mission, Indonesia Policy

Who We Are
Binamandiri is family-run corporation and it is one of the leading Manpower Agency/Company in Indonesia located in Malang-East Java. Recent survey conducting by Indonesia Board of National Protection and Placement Workers Overseas (BNP2TKI) in January 2008 referring to Qualified Company-Training Center, has put Binamandiri on top rank among 400 similar companies. Binamandiri was established in 17 September 1985 and can be considered the pioneer in Manpower Placement Industry.
Binamandiri is the pioneer for Indonesia in placement to Hong Kong, New Zealand and Africa Continent.

Today, Binamandiri places to Hong Kong, Doha-Qatar, Uni Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Seychelles (Africa) with more than 20.000 workers already placed in various job sector.

What We Do
Binamandiri operates like a bridge where we link and match the demand from Our Client Overseas with the Supply of Qualified Workers in Indonesia. We seek work opportunity through out the world; consult it with Indonesia embassy in destination country and/or Embassy/Government representative in Indonesia; and start to promote and place qualified Indonesia workers based on the qualification required by overseas clients. Else we receive various CV from the applicants and try to seek work opportunity which matches with the applicant’s qualification.

Binamandiri also provide training and certification for the applicants to increase their skill in order to increase the acceptance by the employers/clients. Thus also applied for the semi skilled and high skilled workers, where refreshment training and pastoral care about work placement and destination culture will also still be given.
Binamandiri cooperates with various respective institutions through out Indonesia (e.i Vocational High Schools, Polytechnics, Vocational Training Centers and other related practitioners/private companies), to increase supply of workers and to prepare the candidates for overseas placement.

Towards our clients, we provide services :
  • to seek appropriate candidates;
  • to place advertisement;
  • to do screening, testing, and assessment based on the requirement;
  • to liaise with both Indonesia Embassy and related institutions and/or Embassy/Government representative in Indonesia;
  • to check credentials and references of the candidates;
  • to process visa and necessary requirements at the embassy;
  • to conduct Medical Check-up;
  • to provide pastoral care
Towards our candidates, we provide services :
  • to seek appropriate work opportunity;
  • to check credential of the employer;
  • to provide training, courses and certification;
  • to do screening, testing, and assessment based on the requirement;
  • to liaise with both Indonesia Embassy and related institutions and/or Embassy/Government representative in Indonesia;
  • to assist candidates for any documentations for placements;
  • to process visa and necessary requirements at the embassy;
  • to conduct Medical Check-up;
  • to provide pastoral care
Binamandiri has the experience and expertise to place Indonesia workers in various Industries: Domestic Workers, Hospitality Industry, Construction, Agro industry, Manufacture Industry, Fishery Industry and Medical Industry (Nurse), but we keep expanding the job sectors and countries of placement as we never stop to try new thing which in line with our vision to be able to place Indonesia workers globally.
There is always first time experience, and our first experience always become a good teacher for Binamandiri to develop for a better service.

Our Vision is to be the most outstanding Manpower Placement Company in Indonesia, complying with international labor standards, and placing qualified Indonesia workers anywhere in the world

Provide a prompt and professional ethical and comprehensive service to the most discerning employers and agencies overseas, delivering qualified, enthusiastic and job-ready employees.
Ensure our workers receive proper care and remuneration, are treated with dignity and are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Maintain the highest standards throughout, particularly in selection, pre-placement training and education.

Actively support the Indonesians government's policy of reducing the nation's unemployment rate.

Indonesia Policy

Placement of Indonesia worker to overseas has become National Program of Indonesia Government. The government currently gives big concern towards it to increase the quantity placement up to 1 million people for 2009 and improving the quality of the workers. To support the program, beside Department of Manpower and Transmigration as policy maker, Indonesia Government creates and assigns two others government institution to support the program thus are National Board of Placement and Protection Indonesia Workers Overseas (BNP2TKI) as technical policy and operational unit and Reform team of Placement and Protection Indonesia Workers Overseas lead by Mr. Arifin Habibie from the Senior Minister of Economic office.

Based on Indonesia ordinance No.39/2004, all Placement of Indonesia workers has to come Indonesia Placement Agencies (PPTKIS) such Binamandiri except for workers transfer of company who has overseas network. There are more than 400 placement agencies in Indonesia.

Probably it will be legal for direct hire by Overseas Agency without using any Indonesia agencies as long as the workers meet all the requirements from the destination country, but it is illegal from Indonesia government perspective. The role of Indonesia placement agency is for protection, Agency has responsible to check the credential of the employment, provide pastoral care and reporting to related Indonesia institutions and Indonesia Embassies.


Australia adalah promising country yang diharapkan dapat memberikan kehidupan terbaik bila tinggal dan bekerja di Australia. Terletak di tenggara Indonesia, Australia saat ini mengalami booming ekonomi terutama wilayah Australia Barat dengan ditemukannya berbagai macam tambang baru, untuk itu diperlukan 150.000 pekerja hingga 10 tahun mendatang agar berbagai proyek multi juta dollar dapat berjalan dan menggerakan ekonomi Australia.

Sektor kerja yang banyak membutuhkan adalah di bidang pertambang, yang pada akhirnya diikuti dengan kebutuhan akan tenaga di sektor konstruksi dan mekanik.
Pekerja yang masuk ke Australia akan menggunakan Visa Sub-Class 457 (Long Business Visa) untuk setiap masa kontrak 2 (dua) tahun dan dapat diperpanjang.

Persyaratan Visa 457 sangat tinggi dan tidak ada toleransi, yaitu harus memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 (tiga) tahun dibidang yang sama dengan pekerjaannya dihitung hingga pada saat mendaftar dan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang sangat baik dengan IELTS 4,5.
Pekerja dengan Visa 457 akan mendapatkan gaji minimal sebesar AUD 48.000/tahun atau + 30juta/bulan ditambah jamsostek sebesar 9% dari gaji yang dapat diambil setelah kontrak kerja selesai. Semua pekerja akan terbebani pajak yang sama dengan Warga Negara Australia yaitu sebesar + 30%.

Biaya penempatan untuk bekerja ke Australia adalah GRATIS tanpa ada potongan gaji termasuk pembiayaan satu kali test bahasa. Semua pembiayaan akan dibebankan kepada pihak User.
Sejak Bulan Agustus 2008, Pemerintah Australia mengeluarkan peraturan yang sama dengan pemerintah Selandia Baru untuk sektor perkebunan dimana hanya dapat diisi oleh pekerja dari Kepulauan Pasifik (Vanua, Vanuatu, Fiji, PNG dll).

Informasi lebih detail dapat dilihat di http://www.immi.gov.au/

Visit from Mr. Arifin Habibie

Visit from Mr. Arifin Habibie,
Special Envoy to Senior Minister of Economy,
Chief of Placement and Protection of Indonesia Manpower Overseas Reform Team
- 25 August 2008 -


We publish this page in Indonesia language as this page is intended for the Indonesia Jobseeker

Sebelum melakukan pelamaran kerja, sebaiknya anda memperhatikan dan mempelajari link link di bawah ini.

Daftar Lowongan berdasarkan Kawasan
Prosedur Bekerja Keluar Negeri


1985 – Establishing BLKLN Karya Luhur

In the early 1980s, Indonesia already sent workers to Middle East mainly Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia was chosen due to similarity of religion and expectation of became Hajj which is until now, Hajj still consider respectful status in Indonesia village community. Placement of Indonesia workers was dominated with Female Domestic helpers.

At the early stage, Manpower companies mainly focusing on the quantity of placement rather than increasing the quality of the workers. Most of the workers were uneducated, even illiterate and untrained. Thus effect with disappointment from the employers which eventually initiate mistreatment, lack of protection, sexual harassment, abasement and other bad effect.

Motivate by those situation, Ms. Tri Astuti, founder of PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja, propose to the Minister of Manpower, Mr. Sudomo, to set up the first Training Center for Overseas Placement (BLKLN). The proposal was approved and supported by Department of Manpower.

In 17 September 1985, Mr. Sudomo, was official commencing the establishment located in Malang, called BLKLN Karya Luhur. All Indonesia Manpower companies had to send their applicants to BLKLN Karya Luhur – Malang for 6 months, to receive proper training prior to their departure to Middle East.


In 18 September 1984, Ms. Tuti Sanarto establish the first Training Center for Overseas Placement ever in Indonesia, BLKLN Karya Luhur and it was officially commence by Minister of Manpower, Mr. Sudomo [detail]
PT. Binakarsa Mandiri, the first manpower recruiting company in East Java, was established to support BLKLN Karya Luhur [detail]
PT. Binakarsa Mandiri become the pioneer for Indonesia to place workers to Hong Kong
PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja was established as the result of the merger of PT. Binakarsa Mandiri and BLKLN Karya Luhur due to new measurement applied by Indonesia Government [detail]
Received new license which was one of the only two licenses for Manpower recruiting company in East Java [detail]
Become the holding company for other Manpower recruiting companies which its license was still in process.
PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja received Award from Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, For the Commitment to Provide Qualified Training for Indonesia Workers to Overseas.

The only award ever been given to Manpower Recruiting Company by Indonesia Government.
President Director PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja elected as Chairman of East Java Regional Association of Indonesia Manpower Agency (DPD APJATI Jawa Timur)
Transitional Management to the next generation, Ms. Tri Astuti focusing on quality control and empowering women with training.
With more effective, efficient and aggressive management, PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja manage to place to more countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Qatar, where previously only focusing on Hong Kong and Taiwan
President Director of PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja released her position as chairman of association and with the solid management, the association balance 2,1 billion rupiah (USD 220.000). [detail]

January 2007 - PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja is accreditated A (very good) on BNP2TKI Survey among 400 Indonesian Manpower Agencies where only 14 categorized A including Binamandiri

28 February 2008 - PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja is appointed as one of two companies on the pilot project to Australia from Disnaker.

5 June 2008 - PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja become the pioneer of placement to New Zealand.

17 July 2008 – President Director PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja received Award from Minister of Women Empowering for her commitment to provide qualified training for female workers. It was witnessed by President SBY.

17 September 2008 – New Improving Website LAUNCHED !!

15 November - PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja become the pioneer of placement to Seychelles - Africa.
2009Recieved ISO 9001:2008 Customer Satisfaction Certificate

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Binamandiri proves qualified workers for the domestic sector in both private homes and institutions. These include :

baby sitters

We have 22 years experience supplying experienced and qualified workers who have been trained in our modern Education Center


by Tri Astuti Sanarto – CEO of Binamandiri Muliaraharja
17 September 2009

Welcome to Binamandiri Website

Firstly, Board of Directors and Staffs of PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja wish you all Eid Fitri Mubarak, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, which currently in September 2009, Indonesia as biggest Moslem country in the world and all moslem people all over the world celebrate Eid Fitri.

This past year has been the toughest year for Binamandiri as the world suffer the biggest recession ever. The unemployment rate on advance countries rose sharply and it was predicted by the first semester of 2009 will reach 100 million people lost their jobs.
Binamandiri main core business which related to job placement also received the big impact.
Last November 2008, Binamandiri received many job demands from various countries, e.i Maldives, Australia, South Africa, and Canada ; unfortunately after the winter holiday finished, the demands were canceled as the result of Global Economic Crisis.
Binamandiri exclusive cooperation with New Zealand, had to be revised its target of placement.

During the gloomy period, Binamandiri tended to increase its professionalism by focusing to achieve ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Certificate in order to get International recognition. Finally on 24 July 2009, PT. Sucofindo as ISO Auditor announced that Binamandiri had passed Final ISO Audit and entitled for ISO 9001:2008 Certificate
On 17 September 2009, commemorate Binamandiri's 24th Anniversary, Binamandiri received Original Certificate of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management from PT. Sucofindo.

In the last third quarter of 2009, It seems the global economy has re-bounce to positive trend. Some advance countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, etc have shown positive economy growth and the number of people losing jobs have been decreasing significantly. On the first week of September 2009, Binamandiri has already received new demandw for skilled workers, from Hungaria, Malaysia, South Africa and Netherlands. Hopefully the demand will increase in coming months.

Next year Binamandiri will celebrate 25th anniversary, it is considered a mature age for a company to survive for such long period. Binamandiri tends to increase and maintain its excellent service towards our clients and Indonesian workers.

Welcome to our new clients

Thank you for become Binamandiri's Client in Global Employment

Contact Us

Bila ada Pertanyaan atau Informasi Lain,

Hubungi Kami di :

E-Mail :

Lokal Phone Indonesia :
+62 (341) 347474

Lokal Phone Hong Kong :
+852 81245775
(direct link Hong Kong – Indonesia, office hour only)

SMS (Only) :

Yahoo Messenger / Skype :
other staffs

Correspondent Address :
PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja
Jl. Kartini No. 1 Malang - Indonesia 65111

Award from Minister of Women Empowering

Award given by Minister of Women Empowering,
witness by President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono,
for Providing Qualified Training for Female Workers
- 17 July 2008 -

2004 – 2007 Chairman of Association of Manpower Companies (APJATI)

In December 2004, President Director of PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja, Mrs. Tri Astuti, was elected as Chairman of East Java Branch Manpower Companies Association. She received the position due to her expertise in Manpower and also to minimize conflict between faction in its member with their own agenda for personal interests. 

In previous period, the association was in mis-management both organizational and financial, with only USD 3300 left on its account, no transparency and no accountability.

During her management, the East Java Branch Association has became the important role in the Industry, and can provide better service toward its member.

In March 2007, Mrs. Tri Astuti handed over her resignation as chairman of Association, and her management booked USD 220.000 on its bank account certified by public accountant.


Company's Documentations


Miscellaneous Forms

Indonesia Government Institutions

Indonesia Embassies

Foreign Embassies and Related Foreign Authorities in Manpower Placement

Airlines (East Java Arrival-Departure)

Associations and Other Manpower Companies



Karnaka (KAKA)
is Managing Director of PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja, second generation to lead Binamandiri. Graduated from Civil Engineering and English-French Literature Faculty. He already involved in the business for more than 20 years. His responsibility is to maintain Binamandiri operational and financial. Currently he is focusing to expand Binamandiri for more destination countries and various sector of work. If you want to start cooperate with Binamandiri, he is the appropriate person to be contacted and discussed with. You can send emails to admin@binamandiri.com

Kristiana Purwaningsih (KRISTIN)

is Marketing Director of Binamandiri also Head of Training Center. Her main responsible are to recruit prospective candidates, conduct suitable training, establish cooperation with institutions related to recruitment and promote
prospective candidates to clients/employer. She supervises for marketing and recruitment divisions and maintain operational of Binamandiri's Training Center. If you look for candidates, She is the appropriate person to ask for, just send at or you can send emails to account@binamandiri.com


1992-1995 – Establishing PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja

In 1992, The new Cabinet was selected. With abundant problems related to Placement of Indonesia Workers overseas facing the new Minister of Manpower due to illegal recruitment and placement, Minister applied new measure by revoking all license of Manpower Companies.

The new application to establish Manpower Company had to pass fit and proper test conducted by Department of Manpower and one of the requirement was to have Training Center as well as to prove management qualification to conduct ethical placement overseas.

Binamandiri was the first company in East Java who received the new license, and for couple year, another company finally received its license. For 3 (three) years since we received our license, Binamandiri became holding company for others agencies who their license was suspended so that they can still operate under Binamandiri supervision.


Merupakan salah satu Negara idaman TKI di Kawasan Pasifik selain Australia. Terletak di timur Benua Australia, dengan Iklim Sub-Tropis ( -5oC – 28oC) secara umum udara di Selandia Baru dingin dan basah. Selandia Baru terdiri dari Pulau Selatan (South Island) dan Pulau Utara (North Island) dengan jumlah penduduk berkisar hanya 4 juta orang, sehingga Selandia Baru sangat membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan roda perekonomiannya.

Industri utama Selandia Baru adalah di sektor peternakan dan perkebunan. Khusus sektor perkebunan sangat membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja untuk tenaga musiman (jangka waktu 7 bulanan) diperkirakan setiap tahunnya dibutuhkan + 300.000 pekerja akan tetapi sejak Juli 2007, lowongan tersebut hanya dapat diisi oleh pekerja dari kepulauan Pasifik (Vanua, Vanuatu, Fiji, PNG dll). Indonesia hampir tidak mungkin dapat mengisi peluang kerja tersebut untuk itu hendaknya perlu diwaspadai penawaran kerja disektor perkebunan oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, dapatkan informasi secara detail di www.immigration.gov.nz, karena saat ini hanya ada 2 (dua) PPTKIS yang memiliki ijin penempatan ke Selandia Baru, yaitu PT. Binamandiri Muliaraharja dan PPTKIS berlokasi di Bali.

Selain sektor tersebut sebagaimana yang dialami Negara-negara maju lainnya, adalah kekurangan akan tenaga medis terutama perawat dan dokter, akan tetapi memerlukan persyaratan yang sangat tinggi.

Gaji minimum yang wajib diterima adalah berkisar NZD 12/jam ( Rp. 85.000/jam) atau + 22 juta/bulan dengan pembebanan pajak sebesar + 21%. Pemerintah Selandia Baru, tidak memperbolehkan penarikan komisi oleh pihak agensi, dan pekerja harus membiayai dirinya sendiri untuk dapat bekerja dan tinggal di Selandia Baru.




Industry we served :
  • Domestic Workers
  • Construction
  • IT and Telecomunication
  • Mechanical - Electronic
  • Manufacture
  • Agriculture and Viticulture
  • Medical 
  • Airlines
  • Oil - Mining
  • Tradeperson/Craftman
  • Hospitality
How to Cooperate with Binamandiri

Why Indonesian ?

List of Prospective Candidates
  • Domestic Workers
  • Construction
  • IT and Telecomunication
  • Mechanical - Electronic
  • Manufacture
  • Agriculture and Viticulture
  • Medical 
  • Airlines
  • Oil - Mining
  • Tradeperson/Craftman
  • Hospitality

1987-1989 – Establishing Manpower Company

After successfully providing professional Training Center for Overseas Placement, the ambition to be able to send directly to overseas was emerged. Ms. Tri Asuti proposed and applied for license for Manpower Company to Mr. Sudomo, Minister of Manpower.

With many bad experience in Middle East, Mr. Sudomo challenged Ms. Tri Astuti to seek other country for placement outside Middle East, in return she can obtain license for Manpower Company. It was quiet difficult in 1980s where communication and information not as good as nowadays where we can rely on Internet.

Using her vast friendship network, finally Ms. Tri Astuti managed to get Demand Letter from agency in Hong Kong in 1987 for Domestic Helpers with very high salary and good facilities and protection for the workers. It took her 2 years establishing the company and in 1989, PT. Binakarsa Mandiri managed to place workers to Hong Kong and become the pioneer for Indonesia.


For more than 20 years Indonesian workers have been employed in South East Asia, East Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the South Pacific.

In many cases they’ve played a critical role in helping build local economies. In Malaysia, for example, Indonesian construction workers have assisted in much of that nation’s rapid urban and industrial development, while Indonesian plantation employees have been involved with the recent surge in palm oil production.

Indonesians working overseas have won an enviable reputation for cheerfulness, tenacity and adaptability– and for not being afraid of hard work. Discerning employers in the health care industry in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore prefer Indonesians because they are known to be more patient, careful and considerate towards children, the handicapped andelderly people. Indonesians don’t have an overseas settler ethic. While they are prepared to spend yearsworking abroad to support their families, they return to their homeland once their contracts are completed.

As the 4 biggest population in the world, Indonesia is a potential supply of Manpower, where currently the world is facing Global Workforces in parallel with Global Economy

Miscellaneous Forms

Hong Kong Arrival Card
[ download ]
Form ID 386
[ download ]
Singapore Arrival Card
[ download ]
Taiwan Visa Application Form
[ download ]
Taiwan Arrival Card
[ download ]
New Zealand Visa Application Form
[ download ]
New Zealand Medical Form
[ download ]
New Zealand Employer Supplementary Form
[ download ]


Brochure Informal Workers
[ download ]
Brochure Formal Workers
[ download ]
Brochure New Zealand
[ download ]
Brochure Canada
[ download ]
Brochure Australia
[ download ]
Brochure Africa
[ download ]

Company Documentation

Company License
[ download ]
Company Tax ID
[ download ]
Company Profile (Soft-copy)
[ download ]
Standard Cooperation MOU (for Agency)
[ download ]
Standard Cooperation MOU (for User)
[ download ]
Taiwan Standard Cooperation MOU
(Formal Workers)
[ download ]
Taiwan Standard Cooperation MOU
(Domestic Workers)
[ download ]
Form T-01 (for Taiwan)
[ download ]

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